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Ages 8+ | 15-30 minutes | 3-5 players
In Hoi Pho, players try to gain Contracts by having the most money each round or by using Merchant’s skills. After 4 turns, the first player to gain a required number of Contracts is the winner.
Players play a card simultaneously and compare their reputations. The players who have the highest and second highest reputation will gain money while the lowest merchant triggers skill.
What's Inside:
- 15 merchant cards
- 15 contract cards
- 5 ship cards
- 5 player guide cards
- 54 coin tokens
- 1 rulebook (English/Vietnamese)
Download English rules
Download Vietnamese rules
Singapore buyers may also choose to pay via Paynow. Please refer to the Peer-to-Peer Payment section for details.
Hoi Pho
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