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Babu Babu Panic

Ages 6+ | 10-20 minutes | 3-6 players


In Babu Babu Panic, players take on the roles of babies, speaking only six baby words like "Ogya," "Manma," and "Babu Babu."


The goal is to shout and exchange cards in real-time, looking for players who meet the conditions while calling out phrases like "card I want" or "card I want to give." Score points by completing five-card sets and grabbing the red chip (2 points). If someone snatches it, the others can still grab the white chip (1 point) for incomplete hands, but if you fail to act, you earn nothing.


As players babble and rush to complete their hands, the game becomes a frantic and hilarious mess. It’s a fast-paced party game where the chaos grows as the number of players increases, making it an exciting experience to both play and watch.


Published by Mousou Games (妄想ゲームズ☆), Japan.

Designed by Hiro (H1R0). 



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Babu Babu Panic [バブバブパニック]

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